Folder Exploration of National Park Albert (Second series)

Folder 1953 Fascicule 1: Les stades de récession du glacier Stanley occidental (The recession stages of the western part of the Stanley glacier)
Folder 1956 Fascicule 2: Pselaphidae
Folder 1956 Fascicule 3: Biotopes de haute altitude, Ruwenzori (High altitude Biotopes, Ruwenzori)
Folder 1957 Fascicule 4: Coagulation du sang chez les Arthropodes (Blood coagulation in the Anthropodes)
Folder 1957 Fascicule 5: Eccrinida d'un Gargilus, Nyctotherus,Juvénile de Gordiorhynchus chez un Acridien richomycètes monoaxes et rameux, Grégarines, Nyctotherus
Folder 1958 Fascicule 6: Acariens parasites des fosses nasales d'oiseaux, Two new Rhadinomerus, Nématode de Passilide
Folder 1958 Fascicule 7: Eugré-garines, parasites d'Orthoptéroïdes
Folder 1959 Fascicule 8: Eugrégarines, Parasites de Coléoptères
Folder 1959 Fascicule 9: Myriopodes et leurs parasites
Folder 1959 Fascicule 10: Hemolymph of Curculionidae and of Diptera
Folder 1961 Fascicule 11: Biotopes de haute Altitude. Ruwenzori II et Virunga
Folder 1961 Fascicule 12: Pentastomidae, Pselaphidae, Prioninae, Languriidae
Folder 1963 Fascicule 13: Sepsinae, Nemopodinae, Meropliinae et Toxopodinae, Celyphidae
Folder 1963 Fascicule 14: Les rongeurs du Ruwenzori et des régions voisines (The rodents of the Ruwenzori and surroundings)
Folder 1963 Fascicule 15: Geometridae, Noctuidae
Folder 1963 Fascicule 16: Fulgoroidea, Bostrychidae, Lepidoptera Heterocera
Folder 1963 Fascicule 17. Nématodes parasites d'oiseaux, Cercopidae, Brentidae
Folder 1966 Fascicule 18: Aradidae, Dryopidae & Elmidae, Lamiinae, Ptychadena (Amphibia Salientia)
Folder 1966 Fascicule 19: Leptotyphlinae, Steninae
Folder 1966 Fascicule 20: Contribution à l'étude du Gabbro et des Amphibolo-schistes du Ruwenzori (Contribution to the study of Gabbro and the Amphibolo-schists of Ruwenzori)
Folder 1968 Fascicule 21: Siphonaptera, Reduviidae, Henicocephalidae